Michelle Seat
Oil paintings of plein air landscapes, portraits, figures, & still lifes.
Orr Street Studio 3N
Hours: Available during First Fridays and by appointment.
Email: seatster@yahoo.com
Websites: www.michelleseat.com
Artist’s Statement:
I paint oil paintings in the tradition of the great Impressionists.
Savoring the beauty of our world motivates me to express on canvas what one might ordinarily pass by unnoticed or take for granted. In this way, I feel grounded, peaceful, and happy, all feelings I want to share with others through my paintings.
Most of my work is done from life.
In the Impressionists' tradition, my landscapes are painted outdoors, and I complete my work in the studio, as Monet did. Figures, portraits, and still lifes are usually painted with the subjects present.
I hope that my work has as much meaning to the viewer as it did for me in creating it.