Friends of Orr Street Studio
To become a “Friend of Orr” go to our “donate” page, make your donation, and then send an email to indicating your donation amount and the level of membership you desire.
Support the free and inclusive events which Orr Street Studios produces every month by becoming a Friend of Orr!
$1000+ STAR ⭐ LEVEL
One free 6 hr. event rental during the membership year
Name on Friends of Orr wall or plaque
Invitation to a Private Thank You event!
Friend of Orr Membership Button
15% discount on all Monthly Art Exhibits Artwork
Free Orr Street Mug
$500 - $999 GOLD LEVEL
One Free 4 hr. event rental during the membership year
Name on Friends of Orr wall or plaque
Invitation to a Private Thank You Event
Friend of Orr Membership Button
10% discount on all Monthly Art Exhibit Artwork
Free Orr Street Mug
$100 - $499 SILVER LEVEL
Invitation to a Private Friends of Orr Thank You Event
Friend of Orr Membership Button
5% Discount on Monthly Art Exhibit Artwork
Free Orr Street Mug
$50 - $99 BRONZE LEVEL
Invitation to a Private Friends of Orr Thank You Event!
Friend of Orr Membership Button
Free Orr Street Mug
NOTE: Orr Street Artist Guild/Orr Street Studios is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are taxable minus any goods or services provided. (If you wish to become a Friend of Orr at the Star or Gold Level with full tax benefit, you can still get your name on the wall, a membership button and an invitation to the membership thank you party! Lower levels can also waive any goods for a full tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Orr Street Studios and the Orr Street Artist Guild were created to provide an environment through which the community can interact and participate directly with art and artists with our gallery shows, classes, and free events.