Join us for a special evening of Art and Literature.
Catherine Armbrust, artist and Gallery Director of the Bingham Gallery at the School of Visual Studies, University of Missouri will show and talk about her work. Writers Cassie Donish and Grace Gardiner will read from their work. This will be the last Hearing Voices Seeing Visions till September. Don’t miss it!
Cassie Donish
Cassie Donish is the author of the poetry collections The Year of the Femme (University of Iowa Press, 2019), selected by Brenda Shaughnessy as winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize, and Beautyberry(Slope Editions, 2018). Her nonfiction chapbook On the Mezzanine (2019) was selected by Maggie Nelson as winner of the Gold Line Press Chapbook Competition. A poet, prose writer, geographer, and educator, her writing has appeared in The Cincinnati Review, Best New Poets, Colorado Review, VICE, jubilat, Gettysburg Review, Kenyon Review Online, Tupelo Quarterly, and elsewhere. Co-editor-in-chief of The Spectacle, she earned her MFA from Washington University in St. Louis, where she received an Olin Fellowship and served as the Junior Fellow in Poetry. She holds a BA in English and comparative religions from the University of Washington and an MA in human geography from the University of Oregon. She currently teaches classes at the University of Missouri in Columbia, where she's pursuing a PhD in literature and creative writing. She grew up in South Pasadena, California.
Cassie identifies as a gender nonconforming femme, preferring sheor they pronouns. Her website and most other public materials currently use she/her.
Grace Gardiner
Grace Gardiner's research interests include the relationship between jazz and poetry in American literature and culture, compositional practice across the arts and intermedia, lyric and genre theory, and posthumanism. Some of her recent work appears or is forthcoming in Mom Egg Review, SWWIM Every Day, and LETTERS. A former poetry editor for The Greensboro Review and intern for Persea Books, she holds an MFA in Writing from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
I Let the Sky (Catherine Armbrust)
Catherine Armbrust grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas but has enjoyed life in various parts of Missouri since 1989. An alumnus of the University of Missouri, she earned her MFA in Fibers & Sculpture and BA in Anthropology. Armbrust currently lives in Columbia, Missouri and works as the director of the George Caleb Bingham Gallery on the MU Campus. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the MU & UMKC Art Departments, and teaches Fibers at Columbia College (Columbia, MO).
Though her work has shifted somewhat since her husband’s sudden passing in 2015, Armbrust’s mixed media work most often conflates biological and cultural themes in the forms of costumes, dioramas, collages, soft sculpture, and installations. In that work she channels a Rococo spirit to parody human methods of collection, ornamentation, pleasure, play, and seduction.